Anna Gerolymatou


PHOTO AG GIA TO ABOUT 1 | Anna Gerolymatou
Born in Athens now based in Brussels

Anna Gerolymatou

She started her professional career in the European Commission in Brussels and currently she works in the European External Action Service in Brussels.

Anna Gerolymatou received her early foundation in art from various school courses before pursuing courses in painting and drawing at a later age in Athens.
She has followed art courses, composition and decoration at the Fine and Applied Arts department at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels, as well as workshops in mixed media and encaustic techniques in the Academie Beeldende Kunsten also in Brussels.

She holds a BA in Management and Organisational Behavior from the American college of Greece and has followed seminars on history of Arts in Sotheby’s.

Her artistic journey started in 2014 when she began to develop her personal style by creating mixed media artworks influenced mainly by the Belle Époque period.

She experiments with many art-making mediums in a way to support her dreams and create aesthetic compositions.

She is participating in major art fairs and engages in various art projects that explore the intersection of artistic creativity and creativity in non-arts sectors.

In 2017 she produced her own aesthetic catalogue entitled “Voyage Intérieur –Art@Space”which shows her artworks in different rooms, accompanied by quotes from various poems.




